How a FNTP stays healthy

How to stay healthy with elderberry and nutrition

We sat down Tori Culotta, FNTP and founder of Stripe Wellness to discuss all things healthy, elderberry and to learn more about how she is changing lives with Nutritional Therapy and her food-focused healing approach.



a Q&A with Tori Culotta


Q. What inspired you to become an NTP? 

A. That’s a long-winded question for sure. I studied health and nutrition in college at TCU, go frogs, and my nutrition classes were about managing symptoms, putting band-aids on things, but never really discussed what *actually gets people better*, what *actually restores health*. In the wellness world, where gimmicks run rampant and no one really knows what to believe, I wanted to change that. I also have watched family members be failed by the medical system, and in recent years, seen myself be failed over and over again by the medical system. Going on my health journey really opened my eyes to the fact that there has to be a better way and I was not only going to find a way for myself, but for my family and as many people I could possibly help. 

Q. Why is nutrition so important to you?

A. Nutrition is literally the most impactful thing someone can do for their health. You eat multiple times a day - if you’re not nourishing your body when you eat, you quite literally will make yourself sick; and that is coming from someone who quite literally dieted themselves into chronic illness. A huge part of my story is my struggle with body image and navigating that through my health journey. The more I see what heals my body, the more I realize that diets are ruining the health of everyone around us. Nutrition, and nutritional therapy specifically IS NOT A DIET. It’s how to nourish your body day in and day out so you can grow into the person you were meant to be. We were all put on this earth to do something amazing whether that’s in work, or in parenting, or community service - whatever it is. So many people are not even aware that the symptoms they experience everyday (bloat, heartburn, headaches, afternoon energy crashes, just to name a few) are using up all of the energy they have that should be directed to changing the world. When you have a laundry list of symptoms, which again, most people do and don’t realize that isn’t normal, so much of your energy, personality and love is sucked up because you don’t feel well. I don’t know, that just doesn’t sit right with me that there are literally people around me that are incredible but are living sub-incredible lives because their sick and tired. I’m sick and tired of people being sick and tired. 

“I love supporting a local farm and knowing exactly where the product comes from.”

Q. How are you staying healthy during this pandemic?

A. Oh, man. Pandemics, am I right? If I’m being completely honest, I did not handle this well at first. Which maybe you were looking for an upbeat positive quick tip for this, but this was one of the worst seasons of my life. I don’t know how I “stayed healthy” during that time because I was just trying to survive. I struggle with depression and the whole lockdown thing was extremely triggering for me. My brand new business had barely gotten a footing when lockdown started, I had no idea what was going on, there was so much hate, and I pretty much crumbled. I had days where I couldn’t get out of bed. I had days where I was praying for Jesus to come back so this could all be over. This is the first time I am publicly admitting all of this, which is scary but I’m going to be honest. In the midst of all of that, I realized I am freaking annoyed that I work so hard at my health and I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t getting BETTER. I had made improvements but it wasn’t anywhere near where I wanted to be. It was around beginning to mid-July that I really took the reigns of my own health journey (which has been going on for years) but the pandemic made me realize I really was just surviving. I wasn’t practicing what I preached, I was managing symptoms and disease and still struggling.  I finally said to myself, “I don’t want to just survive anymore. I don’t want to go an entire lifetime just surviving.” And when I allowed myself to admit that, to own my part in the complacency, I was able to make significant changes and strides in just a matter of weeks which led to me changing my approach with my clients and seeing them get HUGE wins, to figuring out I have chronic illness - which is hard to hear and hard to say but I am already on the mend because I was wiling to face that. So, I guess if I were to make this one key tip, it’s not quick and it’s certainly not easy - own your health. Your health is your responsibility. No one is going to fix it for you. Not your doctor, not your parents, not your significant other. You have to take ownership and be willing to seek for answers even if you’re scared that won’t like them. On the other side of that scary place is true healing. 

How to stay healthy with elderberry and nutrition and NTP

Q. Favorite thing about Harvest Farmacy Elderberry?

A. Oh my gosh, so many. I think my favorite part of Harvest Farmacy is that the quality is incredible. I love supporting a local farm and knowing exactly where the product comes from. And the fact that there is nothing else like this on the market. I’ve tried all the elderberry supplements, and this takes the cake every time. HF is incredibly versatile, tastes ah-mazing and I can truly feel a difference. I love that elderberry supports overall immune system health, both the cell-mediated immunity and the specific T-cell immunity, and that I don’t have to stress about anything from the common cold to corona because I know I’m making a decision that protects me and supports natural physiological function. 

Q. How do you take your daily dose of elderberry?

A. I am a shooter, 100%. My roommate and I both keep our bottles in the fridge and take a swig around dinner time right out of the bottle because we’re heathens. I also put it in my afternoon adrenal support drink which just packs that already amazing drink with more nutrients. 

“Nutrition is literally the most impactful thing someone can do for their health.”

Q. Tell me more about Stripe Wellness and what services you offer? Do you do virtual appointments?

A. Yeeee!!!! Stripe Wellness is my baby, my nutritional therapy practice located in Fort Worth, Texas. I work 1:1 with clients to help find the root cause of their symptoms and help them restore natural physiological function. I absolutely work with client’s remotely and can you serve you in the way! I work with mostly women, I’m really passionate about helping women with menstrual health, hormones etc. but I can absolutely work with husbands, family members, kids, whomever. Nutritional Therapy is completely individualized, no two people have the same protocol down to every detail. I also have a completely free resource called “Flavor of the Week” coming out Sep 18 that is a weekly email with a printable grocery list and 3-4 easy but totally nutrient-dense and delicious meals to prepare for the week. 

Q. How can we get in touch with you? 

You can follow me on Instagram @stripewellness or you can email me at and make inquiries or connect with me there! I’d love to talk and just get to know you and build a relationship with you!